Our Religious School

I Love Being Jewish!

Our Religious School philosophy boils down to one goal: instilling a love of being Jewish in our students hearts.

Our Sunday morning program creates a nurturing and inclusive environment for every child’s spiritual journey. In the era of information, we have revamped our program to prioritize relationships in a way that helps our students form deep and meaningful connections to their peers, our community, and Jewish life. Our dedicated educators and teen madrichim make this experience possible, and provide our students with positive Jewish role models who make them feel seen, embraced, challenged, and valued.

Children at Beth Shir Shalom's religious school make get well soon cards as they learn about Bikkur Cholim, visiting the sick.
Children at Beth Shir Shalom take pictures during their photography elective on Sunday mornings.

Our Program

Our fun and engaging K-7 program celebrates questions, fosters curiosity, and empowers our students to explore our shared tradition. Our relational curriculum encourages critical thinking, creativity, and an open-minded approach to understanding Jewish life and Jewish values. Through interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and immersive experiences, we provide them with tools to engage with their heritage and inspire a love for Jewish life that they will carry with them for the rest of their life.

8:45AM: bagel breakfast and schmoozing
9:00AM: Shirah (singing) & T’filah (prayer)
9:30AM: Grade level time for bonding activities and an exploration of that week’s Jewish value
10:35AM: Hafsakah (break) to socialize and have fun with their friends
11:00AM: kids will choose a rotating elective for the day: Israeli Dance, Art, Cooking, Photography, Torah Comics, Creative Writing, and more
11:50AM: Siyyum (closing ritual) and send our kids back into the world connected, fulfilled, and happy

Our Schedule

Our Gesher kids (monthly religious school for Pre-K) learn with a friendly face from our ECC.


Transition to Religious School for Pre-K

Children in Pre-K join us once a month on Sunday mornings for an age-appropriate exploration of Jewish holidays & values.