The Many Flavors of Shabbat

at Beth Shir Shalom

Join us to find a moment to rest, relax & recharge.

  • Rabbi Alex & the Bat Mitzvah family lead Shabbat prayers.

    Shabbat | 6:30 PM

    The second & fourth Fridays of the month are standard Reform services with a little Beth Shir Shalom flair.

  • Rabbi Alex Kress leads Torah study at the Beth Shir Shalom retreat.

    Torah Study | 9:30 AM

    Most Saturdays we meet on Zoom to study the weekly Torah portion. This year we are studying the Mussar Commentary. Click here to join!

  • Rabbi Alex lights candles with kids at Shabbat at Beth Shir Shalom

    First Friday Family Shabbat

    Join us for pizza dinner at 5:30 PM followed by a lively, young-family inclusive service at 6:30 PM. RSVP here.

  • Musicians at Beth Shir Shalom lead services in the round.

    Shabbat-in-the-Round | 6:30 PM

    Every third Friday, we gather in the round for a spiritual, musical Kabbalat Shabbat. On Thursday our musicians gather for a rehearsal.

  • Rabbi Alex & Cantor Jessica lead Shabbat services at Will Rogers beach.

    Shabbat @ the Beach

    During the warm summer months, we meet at the beach for a picnic dinner at 5:30 PM followed by low-key services at 6:30 PM.

  • Rabbi Alex prepares to lead the Ethics of Oppenheimer.

    Dinner & Discussion

    Join us for services at 6:30 PM followed by dinner and a discussion around 7:30 PM. Join us on April 26th for the Ethics of Reparations. $36 for non-members. RSVP here.